Резюме від 18 травня 2024 Файл



Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Дніпро

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Sabina Rustamova Telegram: h ps://t.me/sabina_r1
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Ukraine, Dnipro
h ps://www.behance.net/R_sabina

With over 4 years of hands-on experience in UX/UI design, I am passionate about infusing beauty and
harmony into every project. I thrive on translating ambitions into captivating designs, specializing in the
creation of user-friendly, aesthetic, and modern interfaces. My journey in the design realm re ects a
commitment to continuous learning, evident in my ability to swiftly master new skills. I approach my work
with a strong sense of responsibility, ensuring that each project is executed with precision and creativity.
Eager to contribute my skills to create impactful and user-friendly designs that not only meet but exceed
user expectations.


✦ Freelance 2022-present UX/UI designer, Product Designer
• UX/UI, Product Designer for AFF1 A iliate Marketing Platform:
- Focused redesign e orts to enhance speci c UI/UX aspects, improving usability without disrupting the
existing work ow signi cantly.
- Applied a user-centric design approach, addressing speci c user needs and preferences.
Developed visually compelling UI designs aligned with the platform s target audience, maintaining brand
identity and modern aesthetics.

• UX/UI, Product Designer for Black Planet Social Media Platform:
- Conducted in-depth user analysis, created user personas, and designed screen layouts with meticulous
a ention to consistency.
- Ensured stylistic decisions harmoniously aligned with the established brand style, creating a uni ed visual

• UX/UI, Product Designer for Linc U Streaming Platform:
- Managed conceptualization and prototyping, creating functional prototypes for stakeholders to
experience proposed functionalities rsthand.
- Collaborated with cross-functional teams to align feature development with user needs and business
• UX/UI Designer for Quanta Investment Credit Platform ( ntech):
- Embraced Google s Material Design principles, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing design
- Developed wireframes with strategic information hierarchy and consistent use of design components and

• UX/UI, Product Designer for Casa Home Improvement Platform CRM :
- Designed an intuitive dashboard for homeowners, emphasizing clear navigation and information
- Developed layouts showcasing portfolios, client testimonials, and contact information for contractors.
These roles showcase my skills in redesigning, user-centered design, design consistency, prototyping,
Google Material Design, user interface design, and responsive web design across various platforms.
✦ SOPH 2022-present Designer
– Creating visual concepts and designs that align with the brand s identity and message;
– Designing brand elements such as logos, typography, color schemes, and imagery;
– UX/UI of online store using no-code platform, Designing user interfaces that are intuitive, easy to
navigate, and visually appealing;
– Creating style guides and design systems to ensure consistency across all brand materials.

✦ D Coast 2020 2022 UX/UI designer, graphic designer
• UX/UI for PolyArt Application:
– Conducted thorough research to understand preferences of the target audience.
– Designed visually appealing and intuitive interfaces with considerations for mobile layout features,
ensuring comfort in use.
– Selected a color scheme and style tailored to the user demographic.
– Produced comprehensive design documentation, including style guides, for e ective team

• UX/UI and Graphic Design:
– Developed engaging websites and landing pages, ensuring a seamless user experience.
– Crafted distinctive logos and comprehensive branding packages, reinforcing brand
– Created captivating animations for enhanced brand presence on websites and social media.
– Designed visually cohesive and impactful social media content, maintaining brand consistency.
– Interacted with clients to understand design requirements and ensured the delivery of compelling
– Successfully managed multiple projects simultaneously, meeting timelines and budget constraints.
– These experiences have equipped me with a diverse skill set, spanning branding, mobile app design, UX/
UI for e-commerce, logo design, graphic design, and responsive design. My commitment is to deliver
visually stunning and e ective design solutions across various mediums. Skills: Branding & Identity, Mobile
Application Design, UX/UI design for e-commerce, Logo Design, Graphic Design, Responsive Design.

✦ Internship in Yard Design 2020 UX/UI designer
I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the fast-paced world of brand design, gaining valuable hands-on
experience in both graphic design and user interfaces. I have developed logo concepts and guidelines for
various elds, from food companies to personal brands. I also had experience creating a design for the
design of media resources and creating a style for maintaining posts. Crafted wireframes, prototypes, and
high- delity mockups to visualise and communicate design concepts e ectively.

✦ Sturtup by HILLEL EVO 2019 2020 UX/UI designer
Designed the platform that solves the problem of nding a partner or a group of people to do sports
together. The service includes many lters that allow users to select people by di erent categories, and
also allow users to choose a place to play sports according to di erent characteristics: city district, time
and date of the event, cost of participation, number of participants, and so on. On this platform, users can
also create sports events and gather people to do sports together; Created a logo for the project.

• Bachelor’s degree, Architecture, architect -2015 2019
Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

• Professional internship organized by FEFU - 2015 France, Souterrain

• UX/UI design advanced - 2019 Hillel IT school
• II place - 2018
All-Ukrainian Design Olympiad at the Kharkiv National Academy of Design and Arts

• II place - 2019
All-Ukrainian Design Olympiad at the Kharkiv National Academy of Design and Arts

• I place - 2019
27-th All-Ukrainian competition of student`s architectural projects at Poltava National Technical
Yuri Kondratyuk University

Russian: native
Ukranian: native
English: Upper-intermediate
French: Pre-intermediate

Adobe XD
Adobe illustrator
Adobe After E ects
Adobe Photoshop

Схожі кандидати

Вебдизайнер, графічний дизайнер, UI/UX designer
40000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Веб-дизайнер, UI/UX designer
Київ, Дистанційно

UI/UX Designer, Web-дизайнер
Миколаїв, Дистанційно

Web-дизайнер (UX/UI-дизайн)
25000 грн, Київ, Львів , ще 3 міста

UX/UI Designer, Web-дизайнер
Харків, Дистанційно

Дизайнер (Web, UI/UX, Interface Designer)
24000 грн, Київ, Інші країни, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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