Резюме від 31 травня 2024 PRO

Особисті дані приховані

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Chief Accountant

Повна зайнятість.

Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Chief Accountant

з 08.2019 по нині (4 роки 10 місяців)

KYIV (IT software development, introduction BAS 1C ERP, cloud services, network technologies, training center.)

Taxonomy of financial reporting according to IFRS in the iXBRL format

Production, organization, maintenance, implementation, restoration, control, security, automation, modernization of accounting, tax, management accounting in full;

Delivery of a complete set of tax, pension, statistical, corporate reports of enterprises on a common and simplified tax system;

Distribution of VAT, tax credit operations that are involved in taxable and non-taxable VAT operations, recalculation of the annual VAT;

Conducting foreign economic activity provision of services with the place of the provision on the customs territory of Ukraine and beyond its borders, both in the form of a buyer and in the form of a seller, especially the VAT in these operations.

Introduction of electronic document flow between an enterprise and its counterparties using MEDOC, FREDO DocMen, and automatic loading of primary documents into the enterprise accounting system;

Making additions to software on specific areas of the enterprise, introducing new software (1-C 8.2; 8.3), transferring the enterprise from 1-C 7 to 1-C 8.2; 8.3.

Chief Accountant with the functions of CFO

з 02.2019 по 09.2019 (7 місяців)
Techexpert LLC; Tehexpert PC; Network Technologies, LLC; Newest Network Technologies, LLC;, KYIV (IT software development, cloud services, network technologies, training center.)

Production, organization, maintenance, implementation, restoration, control, security, automation, modernization of accounting, tax, management accounting in full;
• Delivery of a complete set of tax, pension, statistical, corporate reports of enterprises on a common and simplified tax system;
• Distribution of VAT, tax credit operations that are involved in taxable and non-taxable VAT operations, recalculation of the annual VAT;
• Conducting foreign economic activity provision of services with the place of the provision on the customs territory of Ukraine and beyond its borders, both in the form of a buyer and in the form of a seller, especially the VAT in these operations.
• Introduction of electronic document flow between an enterprise and its counterparties using MEDOC, FREDO DocMen, and automatic loading of primary documents into the enterprise accounting system;
• Making additions to software on specific areas of the enterprise, introducing new software (1-C 8.2; 8.3), transferring the enterprise from 1-C 7 to 1-C 8.2; 8.3.

Chief Accountant with the functions of CFO

з 10.2012 по 06.2018 (5 років 8 місяців)
CRYPTON, LLC, CRYPTON-M, LLC RDL, LLC, Киев (IT- production, outwardly economic activity)

Achievements: Participation in the process of improving the software for the goals and plans of the organization, setting technical specifications for IT specialists, freeing employees of the enterprise from repetitive and routine work, introducing remote access to employees according to their rights, roles and confidentiality of information ensuring the security of the organization's data, implementing cloud technologies.

Responsibilities: The statement, organization, maintenance, implementation, restoration, control, security, automation, modernization of accounting, tax, management accounting in full volume;

Delivery of a complete set of tax, pension, statistical, corporate reports of enterprises located on a common and simplified taxation system;
Distribution of VAT, tax credit operations that are involved in taxable and non-taxable VAT operations, recalculation of the annual VAT;
Conducting foreign economic activity provision of services with the place of the provision on the customs territory of Ukraine and beyond its borders, both in the form of a buyer and in the form of a seller, especially the VAT in these operations.
Introduction of electronic document flow between an enterprise and its counterparties using MEDOC, FREDO DocMen, and automatic loading of primary documents into the enterprise accounting system;

Making additions to the software on specific areas of the enterprise, introducing new software (1-C 8.2; 8.3), transferring the enterprise from 1-C 7 to 1-C 8.2; 8.3 different configurations.

Chief Accountant

з 04.2011 по 09.2012 (1 рік 5 місяців)

Foundation, organization, control, automation, modernization, modification, production of the systems of financial management;

The passage of mandatory internal and external audits on the NAS and IAS and delivery of the reporting in accordance with IFRS and NAS;
Inculcation management, tax, and financial accounting;
State and corporation reports;
Development of schemes on optimization of taxation;
Strategic planning, forecasting, resource management, project management, mergers and acquisitions, decision support, business- recommendations for achieving results;
Budgeting, planning, control of execution of the budget, the monitoring of the legislation.

Chief Accountant

з 08.2008 по 04.2011 (2 роки 8 місяців)
TI-CAPITAL Ltd., NRC ltd., AMCSCM Ltd., GR Ltd. (capital of Ukraine, offshore banking) (Securities trader, the custodian, the registrar, the company on assets management, 3 share investment of the Fund, 2 close not diversification venture investment of the Fund .)

Responsibilities: Creation, organization and control of the systems of financial management , management, tax and financial accounting in companies, participants of the stock market of Ukraine and their automation, system of budgeting and financial control systems, cash flow management, asset management, calculations NET assets, revaluation of securities, investment planning, the passage of mandatory internal and external audits on the NAS and IAS and delivery of the reporting in accordance with IFRS and NAS, the construction of corporate financial document management, development of schemes on optimization of taxation, strategic planning, forecasting, resource management, project management, mergers and acquisitions, decision support, business- recommendations for achieving results .
Achievements: the Automation of business-processes, the development and training of highly effective the team of managers to minimize the " routine" work, found the right balance between control and support of decision-making, provided effective support of acceptance of administrative decisions, providing support and capitalization companies of the group for the subsequent sale of business unit the potential investor.

Chief Financial Officer

з 01.2007 по 08.2008 (1 рік 7 місяців)
INTERSKOL-UKRAINE, ltd (Russian capital) 6 branches in Ukraine (Production, wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and service)

Responsibilities: Modernization, modification, production, organization and control of management, accounting and tax accounting in the holding company, consolidated accounts of the founders; the introduction of ERP- system of accounting on the basis of the 1-С (Version 8.0, 8.1, 8.2), finanalysis and the account on the NAS and IAS, leasing operations, budgeting, planning, control of execution of the budget, the monitoring of the legislation, the definition of the centers of the responsibility and control, construction of vertically - integrated reporting system, opening of branches on the territory of Ukraine and introduction of similar accounting systems, development of managerial and financial accounting at the enterprise, carrying out of trainings for the training of system users, the development of job descriptions for each workplace, construction and the control of an optimal workflow, internal audit, factoring introduction of system of motivation of employees.
Achievements: Definition, separation, control, training centers of responsibility ( CR) and centres of competence(CC) in the holding companies, delegation of authority, by definition, the transfer of inefficient CC on outsourcing(for exp. logistics), efficiency to use ERP easy application for the provision of transparent information Russian founders via remote access.

Chief accountant - Chief financial officer

з 01.2003 по 01.2007 (4 роки)
HOLODOTEHNIK, ltd the capital (Russia, Italy) 3 branch in Ukraine (Production, wholesale and retail trade)

Responsibilities: Production, organization and control of accounting and tax accounting on the trading of the company , putting into operation of automated accounting systems; financial and tax reporting according to the legislation of Ukraine; the knowledge and control of all areas of modern accounting; the alternative system of taxation - taxes, 6%, 10%;and commission trade; opening of the enterprises with zero of various forms of ownership and with the different systems of taxation; registration of foreign investments, external economic activities.
Achievements: the formulation, implementation and control of high-speed integrated information system, for use in making operational management decisions on standards owners from Russia and the countries of Western Europe

Chief economist deputy chief of PED

з 10.1999 по 02.2002 (2 роки 4 місяці)
Naftogaz of Ukraine, Ukrtransgaz management KYIVAVTOGAZ (capital of Ukraine) (AGNKS (10 petrol stations), automobile (450 vehicles from passenger cars to special transport, public catering establishments)

Responsibilities: drawing up a business plan, budgeting, financial analysis of the activity of the company, certificates of verification of accounts, records of payments, promissory notes; the formulation of trade patents; registration of cash register; economic statements: form 5-C,1-C,1-PX,3-PX; the calculation of the goods and the services; the estimate of expenses by types of activity, drawing up of staffing, the calculation of the lease payments for plant and equipment.
Achievements: high quality automation of CC translation from the barter system of payments to retail the money, the cash register, the firm increased from 300 million. to$ 1 billion $.


Sumy State University

Speciality: Finance and Credit, Qualification: Economist., Sumy
Вища, з 1992 по 1998 (5 років 10 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Certificate CAP (US GAAP).


The certificate in accounting SSMSC (IFRS (IAS).


Certificate securities trader.


Знання і навички

MS Excel MS Word 1C MS Office Електронний кабінет платника податків Электронный кабинет плательщика налогов PC User Internet User M.E.Doc Користувач ПК Пользователь ПК Користувач Internet Пользователь Internet Client-Bank Клієнт-Банк Клиент-Банк 1C:Enterprise Windows Email 1С:Підприємство 1С:Предприятие Accounting Бухгалтерський облік Бухгалтерский учет ЛІГА:ЗАКОН ЛИГА:ЗАКОН 1С УТП 1C ZUP Парус 1С ЗУП 1С УВП 1С УПП Car driving Management skills Internet banking Интернет-банкинг Oracle Database FinExpert Документообіг Документооборот FREDO Водительский права - категории B, C.

Знання мов

  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно
  • Англійська — вище середнього

Додаткова інформація

Participation in the process of improving the software for the goals and plans of the organization, setting technical specifications for IT specialists, freeing employees of the enterprise from repetitive and routine work, introducing remote access to employees according to their rights, roles and confidentiality of information ensuring the security of the organization’s data, implementing cloud technologies.
Fields of economic activity: IT development, production, services, wholesale and retail trade, audit, service, car fleet, political party, training center, the network of petrol stations (AGNKS),financial services, back office, depository, registrar, company asset management.
Experience of passing various types of inspections (planned, unscheduled, counter, cameral, complex) of various regulatory bodies (SFS, SCSSM, prosecutor's office, Security Service of Ukraine, KRU, UPEP, UBOP, social insurance funds, financial monitoring, NBU, etc.)

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