Вакансія від 9 травня 2024

Junior Marketing Project Manager

  • 15 000 – 25 000 грн
  • Respect.Studio

    Маркетинг, реклама, PR; 10–50 співробітників
  • Львів, вулиця Героїв УПА, 73.
    3,0 км від центруНа мапі
  • Повна зайнятість.
  • Англійська — просунутий
Вакансію зараз переглядає 1 шукач. Відгукніться першим!
  • Ведення бухгалтерського обліку
  • Комунікабельність
  • Відповідальність
  • Організованість
  • Маркетинг
  • Робота з клієнтами
  • Уважність
  • Креативність
  • Продаж B2B
  • Управлінські навички
  • Ведення звітності
  • Налаштування таргетованої реклами
  • Digital-маркетинг
  • Адаптивність
  • Управління командою
  • Гнучкість
  • Проактивність
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Опис вакансії

Who we are?

Respect.Studio is a B2B marketing agency that helps businesses achieve sustainable growth by targeting high-value accounts. Our team has worked with over 200 clients since 2016, leveraging data-driven and buyer-focused outreach practices to drive results. Rather than simply generating leads, we craft growth strategies that build a foundation for long-term relationships between businesses and their clients.

  • We have a brand new comfortable office in Lviv, (although we still practice hybrid work — our teammates are all over the world)
  • We provide services to clients from all over the world (mainly from the US, Canada, and the UK).
  • There are more than 200 clients from different industries in our track record and more than 300 successful projects completed.
  • Our team is constantly growing at a tremendous pace (we have tripled in size this past year and we are not planning to stop) and you might be exactly whom we need!

Who are we looking for?

  • Excellent communication skills (with team and clients, you should be able to ask the right questions, and make competent summaries) — we work as a team, so being a lone wolf will work against you
  • B2-C1 English. Our team communicates in English, so having high communication skills in this language is important for us to work comfortably;
  • Attention to detail;
  • Strong management skills (both, self-management and team management);
  • Understanding of Digital Marketing basics. Well, you are going to manage the digital marketing team, so this one is a no-brainer; We value the desire to grow;
  • Creativity and flexibility;
  • Adaptability — our clients vary from SaaS to FinTech, to WorkTech and so on, so we need a person who can learn on the go

Would be a plus if you have..

  • Upsell skills — you’ll need to encourage our clients to buy additional services

What are the responsibilities:

  • Communication. It includes communication both with clients to get an in-depth understanding of their business objectives and with teammates to align on goals and deliverables.
  • Onboarding and Campaign Management;
  • Strategizing & Planning. We commit to long-term campaigns, and your role would be to oversee long-term goals;
  • Organizing & Monitoring. You’ll be working closely with remote and freelance workers, so your primary responsibilities will be to collect, coordinate and prioritize project requirements, manage the timing and quality delivery of tasks fulfilled on the project;
  • Analytics & Reporting. Your task here is to keep track of all work produced and distributed for the clients, so you’ll have to keep track of content metrics, analyze trends/patterns and provide actionable recommendations for optimization.
  • Team Management. You’ll be coordinating cooperation between our team, freelancers, and clients.
  • Proactivity in optimizing PM processes and generation of ideas to improve campaigns. We value proactivity, so if you have some ideas on how to optimize our processes — tell us)
  • Encouraging customers to buy additional services than what they originally intended to purchase
  • Client Troubleshooting.

Working with us you get:

  • Modern and comfortable office in the city tech area.
  • A friendly, yet professional team, full of interesting personalities whom it will be a pleasure to spend time with;
  • Ability to work remotely and with flexible schedules;
  • Opportunity to grow quickly as a professional in various areas. Our projects are far from being standard, so you will have a huge space to showcase your creativity;
  • Competitive salary with a rich bonus system for your proactivity;
  • Support and promotion of training (at the expense of the company).


Маркетинг, реклама, PR, 10–50 співробітників

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