Резюме від 31 травня 2024 Файл



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Vladyslav Hapanets – Software Testing Engineer
Software testing engineer with 3 years of working experience. Have experience in functional and non-functional testing of web. Strong understanding of agile development and agile testing practices. Highly responsive to business needs and changing requirements. Customer-focused, results and team-oriented, collaborative, eager to learn, and passionate about delivering business value in a timely manner.
• Strong understanding of software testing theory
• Strong communication (soft) skills with people in different teams, projects, company, etc.
• Understanding of software development lifecycle and test methodologies
• Experience in functional and non-functional testing, automated testing and secutity
• Understanding of test design techniques, work with requirements
• Ability to create test scenarios and test cases.
• English Level B2. The ability to freely write technical documentation and communicate with the customer.
• Elementary German
Academic Disciplines
• Humanities: English Speaking, English Writing
Engineering Practices
• Advanced Technology: Software Engineering Practices, Continuous Integration, Requirements Analysis
• Quality Engineering: Regression testing, GUI Testing, Compatibility Testing, Testing Fundamentals, Web Applications Performance Testing, Pairwise testing, Domain/function testing, Web Service / API Testing, Exploratory testing, Test Results Analysis and Reporting, System Integration Testing, Database Testing, Component / Integration Testing, Test Design Techniques, Testing in Mobile, Cross-browser testing, Test Cases Development, Test Estimations, Installation Testing, Functional Testing, System Testing, iOS Automated Testing, Requirements Analysis and Testing, Defect Management
Leadership & Soft Skills
• Communication: Active listening, Giving Feedback, Presenting, Trust building, Meeting Facilitation, Communication, Building dialogue

• Data: MySQL Workbench, MySQL
• Standard: Content Management Systems, OpenAPI Specification (OAS), Git
• Other: OPSWAT MetaAccess, Acceptance Testing Tools, Test Management Tools, Desktop UI Testing, Web Service / API Testing Tools
• Web/Application Server: Web Services
• Computer Language: SQL
• Solution: TestRail, Jira, Jenkins, Telerik fiddler, Microsoft Outlook, Postman, Selenium, Microsoft Word, MS PowerPoint, Apache JMeter, Confluence, Chrome DevTools
• Platform: Contentstack
• Tools: Postman, Jira, Confluence, TestRail, Selenium, Charles, Fiddler, Git, Jenkins, SQL, Apache JMeter, ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy), OWASP ZAP, Figma, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Excel, Google Sheets, Dev tools, Content stack, Android Studio, Swagger, Selenium, Test IO, TestMo, Telerik Test Studio

Work experience
Nov-2023 - Jan-2023
A web application with admin and client part. Admin part represents CMS, where admin can create own Events and Communities with different settings. Transferring old data to a new site and adapting it for CMS.

• Evaluation of the testing part before the sprints.
• Writing test reports based on the results of the sprint.
• Created test cases and test suites using test design technics based on User Stories and Acceptance criteria (JIRA).
• Manual testing of frontend and backend functionality.
• Smoke testing, Integration testing, Regression testing, Exploratory testing,
• Create Bug reports.

Tools and Technologies: Jira, Testmo, GCP, Figma, Confluence, Algolia, Contentstack, Sitefinity, SCRUM

Oct-2023 - Nov-2023 - Software Tester Engineer
A web application with admin and client part. Admin part represents CMS, where admin can create own Events and Communities with different settings. Client part is displayed, as micro-site of Events and Communities with own data, Agenda of event, registrations from users.
The purpose of the application is to help organizers:
• to create Events
• to create Communities
• to organize and create Agenda of Events
• to manage available content


• Evaluation of the testing part before the sprints.
• Writing test reports based on the results of the sprint.
• Created test cases and test suites using test design technics based on User Stories and Acceptance criteria (JIRA).
• Manual testing of frontend and backend functionality.
• Smoke testing, Integration testing, Regression testing, Exploratory testing,
• Create Bug reports.


Jira, KB, Outlook, InVision, Mobile farm, pgAdmin4, REST Client (FF), JSON formatter, Microsoft Office


Ruby on Rails, React CMS
Jun-2023 - Oct-2023 - Software Tester Engineer
Project Description: the Company that manufactures finished products for the bakery industry. The site has microservice architecture, uses the commercetools platform. Integrated with such systems as SAP, Salsify.
Website Integration is a separate part aimed at creating a localized part of the project.
Project Roles: Tester
• Evaluation of the testing part before the sprints.
• Writing test reports based on the results of the sprint.
• Created test cases and test suites using test design technics based on User Stories and Acceptance criteria (JIRA). Create User journeys.
• Manual testing of frontend and backend functionality.
• Smoke testing, Integration testing, Regression testing, Exploratory testing, Localization testing, Mobile testing.
• Create Bug reports.
Tools and Technologies: Jira, Testmo, GCP, Figma, Confluence, Algolia, Contentstack, Sitefinity, SCRUM

Nov-2021 - Jun-2023 - Software Testing Engineer
Project Description: Self-Publishing Tools project goals:

- Support of dynamic system respond on game developer’s actions and behavior
- Improvement of user experience of the existing system
- Visibility and control on organization, catalog, and product management for service delivery team
- Automate control moderation process
- Introduce a new clear solution for the release preparation stage for the product
- Enhancement of existing supporting functionality and extension it with new capabilities.
Project Roles: Manual Software Testing Engineer
• Performed Functional testing
• Analyzed and documented defects using bug tracking tools
• Performed test documentation (test cases creating)
• Performed UI testing - Performed cross browser testing
• Performed exploratory testing - Performed regression testing.
Tools and Technologies: PostgreSQL, Jira - TestRail - Slack - Confluence - Postman - Figma - TeamCity - Product framework admin - Admin portal-Fiddler Everywhere, Environment: Scrum, Kanban, React.js - Node.js - AWS ECS - AWS Lambda - Kubernetes - Java 8+ - Selenium - GraphQL - TypeScript

Jul-2021 - Oct-2021 - Software Test Engineer
Project Description: Project to track Crowd engagements for testIO
Project Roles: Manual Software Test Engineer
• Functional testing.
• API testing.
• Regression testing.
• UI testing.
• Created testing documentation: test case, checklist.
• Reporting the bugs found - Cross browser testing.
Tools and Technologies: Jira, Git

Jan-2021 – Nov-2021 – Junior Software Engineer
Project Description:
Project to track RD-related activities and education costs in UA Office, to separate it from other GDOs and mid-term to replace huge and old.

Project Roles:
Software Testing Engineer

Analyzed and documented defects using bug trucking tools.
Performed manual functional testing.
Performed integration with an external web service system on HTTPS (with certificates for both Client and Server).
Participated in estimation.
API, GUI, regression testing, exploratory testing.


Kanban, Scrum

Swagger, Dev tools, Postman.

May-2021 - Oct-2021 - Student
Project Description: Project to track activities and education costs in Office, to separate it from other and mid-term to replace huge and old FARM.
Project Roles: Software Testing Engineer
• Analyzed and documented defects using bug trucking tools.
• Performed manual functional testing.
• Performed integration with an external web service system on HTTPS (with certificates for both Client and Server).
• API, GUI, regression testing, exploratory testing.
Tools and Technologies: MySQL, Swagger, Dev tools, Postman

Dec-2020 - Nov-2021 - Student
External training course "Introduction to software testing".

The program builds a complex of knowledge and practical skills corresponding to qualification "software test engineer" of industrial level:
- an industrial process of software production,
- software testing process,
- technological aspects of process of software testing,
The program consists of the thematic modules creating system approach of the solution of tasks of software testing.

Faculty/College: Coaching
Degree (diploma): Master

Name of the Education Establishment: KHARKIV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE
Faculty/College: Social and Humanitarian Technologies
Specialty: Translator
Degree (diploma): Master

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Херсон, Дистанційно

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25000 грн, Львів



QA engineer
Київ, Дистанційно

Івано-Франківськ, Київ

Усі схожі кандидати

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