Резюме від 9 червня 2024 Файл


Project Manager, CAO, COO with German

52 роки

Контактна інформація

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Doctor of Economics (Dr.rer.pol.)
Mailing address:
Grigorenko av.1b/ 10
02068 Kiev Ukraine
Electronic communications:
Phone/ Whatsup: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
• Senior level competences in project management at major Ukrainian multi-national and multi-industrial holding
• Strong analytical skills with deep knowledge and professional background in product and strategy development, government relations, synergy and integration, Agile (Scrum, Kanban)/ PMBOK/ Waterfall - management with 21+ years’ experience
• Good project coordinator, negotiation and preparation of project proposals, management presentations, pitches' meetings and leadership skills
• Strategic Thinking with a Human-Centered Approach Develop solutions that align business goals with user needs, driving value and customer satisfaction
• Result-driven approach and excellent understanding of top level (nation level) stakeholders’ agendas
• Long-term experience working in international senior M&A teams in Ukraine and EU – with top-tier international strategy consultancies, boards of directors
• Advanced computer skills (Bloomberg, AI (Midjourney, ChatGPT, MS Office ((PowerPoint, Project, Excel, Word; Visio) and other analytical tools and methodologies)
• Fluent (writing/ spoken/ reading) in German, English. Native Russian and Ukrainian.
Holder of:
• Award of Professional Market Analyst (2003),
• Ukrainian Insurance Leader Award (2005).
• Awards of German Academic Exchange Service (1997, 1998, 2001).
2022-2023BAERTSCHI Gruppe, Switzerland, Head of finance, HR and IT
• strategic planning, management and goal setting - successfully achieved financial goals by effectively redrafting the budget plan in response to the impact of the 2022 war, ensuring financial stability and aligning resources with changing circumstances improved financial reporting accuracy and tax expenses resulting in cost savings and streamlined business operations up to 290К Euro;
• led the transfer from paper to the ERP and identified opportunities for task automation, leading to a 60% reduction in manual effort and increased operational efficiency, digitalization introduced e-doc flow, digitizing documentation processes, increasing productivity, reducing paper waste and enabling faster and more efficient information flow throughout the organization;
• strategic improvement of the work of HR - Played a pivotal role in driving the successful growth and expansion of the team and business and led and managed a high-performing team of up to 30 individuals and 13 engineer in Ukraine, fostering a collaborative work environment, driving their performance and contributing to a positive company culture;
• M&A services for company in Switzerland and Germany - successfully established a new office, expanding geographical presence, facilitating business expansion, and enabling closer collaboration with partners in the region, leading to increased market penetration and business growth;
• developed business strategies and relocate development programs for new markets (Africa, Vietnam, India, Australia), successfully spearheaded business expansion into Ukraine.

2019-2023Arthur D. Little, International Turnaround Services, premium consulting services with a
regional focus on Ukraine, advisor and regional partner in Ukraine
• Delivery of consulting services with a regional focus on Eastern Europe
• Projects in defining strategy and growth opportunities, optimizing costs and profits, project-management and management of high value and high risk (uncertainty) investments
• M&A and traditional value creation areas - Growth, Efficiency, Acquisitions with potential synergies and perform company valuations to support transactions
• New value creation areas - Innovation, Digitalization, Digital transformation
• Newest offering - we provide our top level strategic and operational expertise and relationships networks from 'old' economy to the 'new economy' entrepreneurs together with my Senior Professionals Team - who are my former fellow Partners from renowned international Consultancies.
2016-2019Ukrenergoinvest, state-owned organization for consulting, acting director general
• Developed project and crisis management, enterprise investment and financial solutions
• Strong communication and coaching skills - consulting and support to reform in energy sector with all major Ukrainian energy companies involved (and EBRD).
2014-2016AxonInvest group, major Ukrainian copper powder producer, development manager
• Developed new line of business with multi-national experience
• Led the company on the European and American markets, organized and opened representative offices in EU and USA
• Financial supervision and controls with saving up to 10% of new payments. new business development with multi-national experience
2013 -2014Interstarch GmbH Germany, starch producer Head of Sales, CEO, Member of the Board
• Investment engineering and technical implementation up to EUR13mil.
• Global sales with +30% growth & positive cash flows after my engagement
• Financial planning & controlling, mid-level executive coaching
• Development a few new projects with market value up to EUR 10mil.
• Very high travel frequently across EU & former USSR (up to 100 000 flight mls/year).
2007-2013Ukrprominvest Group, major multi-industrial Ukrainian holding, senior functional roles in the financial businesses of the Group as:
• Managed the project and developed strategic concept of new car loans operator, based on solutions of A.T. Kearney
• Financial management and implementation of international business projects
• Track record of client capability building and sustained impact:
- Krayina Insurance company, key accounts manager, result: 140% growth of sales;
- Kalina life insurance company, Chairman of the Board (improved financial structure);
- Bogdan-Leasing, Chairman of the Board (cost cutting, created new sales and legal teams, experience with senior-level executive coaching).

Doctoral thesis at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Subject: Convertible Bonds as Financial Instrument for Banks and Insurance Institutions
• worked on a new fixed income instruments (convertibles)

On-the-job training in Asset Management Commerzbank Frankfurt/ Main
• has been trained for financial analysis and managed client’s portfolio of 30 companies with net assets of over €800m. in high yield bonds,
• authored economic reports about Ukraine in German and English languages,
• contributed to programs for International Banking, International Investment Banking, Economic Research and Corporate Communications.

On-the-job training in Global Securities at Commerzbank Magdeburg
• research of securities market; financial management and clients servicing

Diploma on speciality at Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
“Economics and Management in the Machine-Building”


Management and marketing in insurance companies
Business School at Kiev State University of Economics
License for risk hedging in credit and facility
Government Audit Insurance Services


• Vice-president of Homeowner-Associations since 2003
• Enjoy music, automotive enthusiast
• Interests in history and psychology

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