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Front-end програміст

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Horobei Eugene Olexandrovich
Date of Birth: June 20, 1995 (28 years)
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Family status: Married
• Telegram: @zordaNator
• Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
• Viber: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
• Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
• LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile

Professional Summary
Passionate Front-end Developer with over three years of experience in web
development. Driven by a love for programming since childhood, I continuously seek
to enhance my skills through hands-on work. Proficient in React and JavaScript, with
a solid background in creating dynamic and responsive web applications.

About Me
I am a regular person who loves animals, volleyball, and video games. I embrace new
challenges and am not afraid to jump into unfamiliar territory. My passion for
learning and trying new things drives me both personally and professionally.
• Languages: JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript
• Frameworks/Libraries: React, Angular, Redux, Redux Toolkit, React Router,
Formik, Styled Components, Next.js
• Testing: React Testing Library (RTL), Enzyme
• Tools: Vite, Axios, Husky, Day.js, AsciiDoc
• Other: API integration, Unit Testing, Component Libraries, Code Reviews,
Agile Methodologies
• English: B2

Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (UkrSURT)

• Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Heat Engineering, Heat Engines, and Energy
• Years: 2015 — 2018

Slovyansk Technical School of Transport Infrastructure
• Department: Locomotives
• Years: 2012 — 2015

Base Education School #4
• Location: Dobropillya, Donetsk Region
• Years: 2001 — 2012
Work Experience
Sales Associate

• Years: 2017 – 2021

Nix Solutions

• Position: Front-end Developer
• Years: 2021 october – 2024 june

Resource for Publishing Articles
• Duration: March 2022 – August 2022
• Description: Developed a large-scale platform for publishing articles,
supporting multiple languages and APIs across various countries.
• Technologies: React, API integration, multilingual support

Library of Components
• Duration: August 2022 – April 2023
• Description: Created a comprehensive library of reusable components used
across various products.
• Responsibilities: Migrated from React 16.x to 18.x, rewrote unit tests from
Enzyme to React Testing Library (RTL), updated class components to
functional components, added new features.
• Technologies: React, RTL, Enzyme, CRACO, monorepo, TypeScript

Internal Education Project
• Duration: April 2023 – June 2024
• Description: An internal project aimed at training new developers within the
• Responsibilities: Created and managed tasks, developed solutions, wrote
comprehensive tests, provided student support, and delivered presentations.
• Technologies: JavaScript (ES6+), React, Redux, RTK, thunk, API integration,
Formik, React Hook Form, React Router v6, RTL, AsciiDoc, TypeScript
Lytvynov Production
• Position: Front-end Developer
• Years: 2023 october – present

User Statistics Collection Application
• Duration: November 2023 – Present
• Description: Developed an application for collecting user statistics to provide
valuable insights for customers.
• Responsibilities: Implemented new functionalities, fixed bugs, performed
code reviews, and collaborated with customers and colleagues on feature
• Technologies: React 18.x+, Redux Toolkit, React Router DOM v6, TypeScript,
Formik, Husky, Vite, Axios, Day.js, React Testing Library, Styled Components,
Swagger, Next.js

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