Резюме від 26 квітня 2024 PRO


Head of legal department, 80 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
49 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Chief Legal Officer

з 05.2018 по нині (6 років 1 місяць)
Digital Future Ltd., Kyiv (IT)

Legal support for in- and offshore companies (EU, Caribbean area) legal support in corporate issues of group of companies. Developing and implementing new corporate structure in order to meet new OECD MLI BEPS requirements (developing “substance”). Drafting, negotiating software development, consulting, license, services agreements. Registering ™ in USA, EU, Australia. UDRP and DMCA disputes and litigation process support, developing and providing necessary set of documents to open accounts either in banks (EU, USA) or online payment systems.

Провідний юрист

з 08.2017 по 05.2018 (9 місяців)
ВПК ТОВ, Київ (Agriculture, agribusiness)

Legal support for in- and offshore companies (Cyprus, BVI, Slovakia) meeting of directors, shareholders, amendments to MoA concerning powers of directors, board of directors. Developing and implementing new corporate structure in order to meet new OECD MLI BEPS requirements. Drafting, negotiating, monitoring on execution of oil and derivatives export/import contracts, Obtaining an “investment citizenship” for the UBO of the group. Negotiating and drafting investment agreements, real estate sell/purchase agreements, communal services agreements etc. Litigation processes in Ukrainian and Cyprus courts concerning property rights, debt recovery, procedures of recognition of foreign court decisions in Ukraine.

Private practice

з 11.2014 по 08.2017 (2 роки 9 місяців)
Private practice, Kyiv (Legal)

Incorporation and legal support for in- and offshore companies (Cyprus, Belize, Slovakia, Netherlands), registration of amendments to the structure of shareholders, drafting of shares purchase agreements, shareholders agreements. “Due diligence” of in- and offshore companies, litigation processes in courts of common, economical and administrative jurisdictions, preparation of companies to meet license demands and assistance in obtaining licenses. Full spectrum of legal assistance starting from registration/purchase and ending with dissolution/sell of the company, obtaining work permits and temporary permissions to live at the territory of Ukraine for foreigners – company owners or employees. Trade marks registration, advising and drafting license agreements on software products and services. Wide litigation practice concerning debt collection, tax, permits and corporate issues.

Head of legal

з 01.2014 по 11.2014 (10 місяців)
Alacor city Ltd (Art Mall), Kyiv (Mall)

Head of legal. Managing legal department consisting of 3 persons. Duties among other include corporate issues with both Ukrainian and foreign companies (sell/purchase of corporate right, loans for Ukrainian companies, registration of companies, etc.), litigation with tax, construction authorities, with natural person (labor case) and legal entities (collection of debts). Registration of trademark and utility model as well as litigation support for its’ protection. Supervision on business activities for over 20 local legal entities and over 5 offshore companies. Drafting and amending rent wide range of agreements etc.

Head of legal

з 03.2013 по 12.2013 (9 місяців)
“Happy Farm” Ltd., Kyiv (Venture fund)

“Happy Farm” Ltd. Providing full spectrum of legal services for current company business activity. Development of corporate and tax schemes and incorporation of offshore companies (USA, Belize, BVI, etc.). Consulting on issues regarding incorporation, business activity, trade mark registration, stockholders collaboration in American companies. Trade marks registration, advising and drafting license agreements on software products. Development of financing and investment schemes, drafting and legal expertise of collaboration agreements with IT-projects, monitoring on the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of investment agreements.

Legal advisor

з 06.2009 по 03.2013 (3 роки 9 місяців)
Private practice, Kyiv (Legal)

Registration of in- and offshore companies (Cyprus, Belize, Slovakia, Netherlands), registration of amendments to the structure of shareholders, drafting of shares purchase agreements, shareholders agreements, preparation of companies to M&A and “due diligence” of companies to be sold, litigation processes on land issues in courts of common, economical and administrative jurisdictions, preparation of companies to meet license demands and assistance in obtaining licenses. Full spectrum of legal assistance starting from registration/purchase and ending with dissolution/sell of the company. Wide litigation practice.


з 12.2008 по 06.2009 (6 місяців)
“Clever Asset Management” Ltd, Kyiv (Managing company for "Delta Bank" group)

“due diligence” of companies, among them companies owing real estate projects and land plots, monitoring sell/purchase procedures regarding companies, land plots, corporate rights, corporate rights advising, restructuring of corporate rights, AMCU issues, drafting various documents (e.g. contracts, agreements, SPA’s, Shareholders Agreements, memorandums etc.).

Senior Associate

з 03.2008 по 12.2008 (9 місяців)
Grischenko and partners, Kyiv (Legal)

“due diligence” of companies owing real estate objects, projects and land plots, corporate rights advising, drafting various documents (e.g. contracts, agreements, memorandums), drafting various contracts regarding construction (design, construction, lease, tender documentation etc.).

Senior Legal Counselor

з 05.2007 по 03.2008 (10 місяців)
Development Construction Holding (DCH), Kyiv (Managing company)

“due diligence” of companies expected to be sold or purchased, sell/purchase of shares of both Ukrainian and foreign companies, M&A of both Ukrainian and foreign companies, corporate rights advising, registration of both Ukrainian and foreign companies, drafting various documents (e.g. contracts, agreements, memorandums), off-shore activities (e.g. registration of companies, amendments to the company’s documents, share sell/purchase etc.), legal and tax expertise of contracts and transactions (international among them), taking part in negotiations of agreement’s conditions with Ukrainian, Russian and foreign companies and their representatives.

Senior legal adviser

з 05.2002 по 05.2006 (4 роки)
Group of companies “Ukrsibbank”, Kyiv, Cherkassy, Bila Tserkva, Dniprodzerzhinsk (Legal)

advising, drafting various documents and representation of clients in commercial courts, courts of common jurisdiction, International Commercial Arbitration Court of TIChU, legal assistance of sale of real-estate objects, taking part in corporate transactions, legal expertise of international commercial contracts, registration of ventures and private entrepreneurs etc.


з 09.2001 по 08.2002 (11 місяців)
“Delight” Ltd. (Globus mall), Kyiv (Construction, architecture, interior design)

taking part in litigation, court disputes in common jurisdiction courts, structuring and restructuring of business; advising and advocating on traffic accident cases; carrying on registration, liquidation, and bankruptcy of legal entities of all kinds of property; taking part in disputes with customs authorities, international commercial arbitration.

State Tax Inspector in the Legal Support Department

з 06.2000 по 12.2000 (6 місяців)
State Tax Inspection at Starokyivskiy District, Kyiv (Taxation)

drafting of claims to Kiev and Supreme Arbitration Courts and common jurisdiction courts, drafting of claim recalls, representation of Inspection in courts, litigation with participation of both private entrepreneurs and legal entities.


Kyiv Institute of International Relations

International Law, Kyiv
Вища, з 1995 по 2000 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Specialist of International Law and English language interpreter-translator National Taras Shevchenko University, Institute of International Relations, Department of International Law (Major – International Private Law).

Знання і навички

MS Office Користувач Internet ЛІГА:ЗАКОН Законодавство України

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

Додаткова інформація

Date of birth: 02/04/1975. Martial Status: married. Have two children. Other: possessing a driver license “B” category since 2002

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